Judiciary Exam Syllabus: State-wise Civil Judge Exam Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Published on: March 11, 2025

Judiciary Exam Syllabus: State-wise Civil Judge Exam Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Judiciary Exam Syllabus: State-wise Civil Judge Exam Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Overview: Every Judicial aspirant should know the syllabus of the upcoming Judicial exams for all the target states. Each state has its syllabus and question paper structure for the judicial services test.

Also, note that the syllabus might vary for prelims and mains exams. As a result, it is necessary to be familiar with the detailed syllabus of the state for which you are applying. Here is the brief of topics that'll be discussed in the detailed Judiciary Exam Syllabus: 

Judiciary Exam Prelims Syllabus - Preliminary Stage

As said above, the syllabus will vary for each state-level judiciary exam. However, few subjects are included in almost all the state Judiciary Exams.

Let us look at the standard topics of the Judiciary Exams and plan your preparation accordingly:

Along with these subjects, a few states have other topics as well. You can go through all the other subjects in the table below:

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Judicial Service Exam Syllabus - Mains Stage

The civil judge exam syllabus for the mains will vary depending on each state. However, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Maharashtra, and Jammu & Kashmir states will have almost the same syllabus for mains.

Here is the list of subjects included in the mains syllabus:

MP Judiciary Exam Syllabus 

As we all know, the MP Judiciary Exam has three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

MPCJ Prelims Syllabus

Here is the detailed syllabus you must prepare for the prelims and mains exam:

MP Judiciary Syllabus for Mains First Paper: Civil Law & Procedure

The following are the topics and expected weightage per the MP PCS J syllabus:

Delhi Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

According to the DJS Recruitment Notification, you must know the syllabus of all three stages of the DJS Exam:

Delhi Preliminary Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

Here are the subjects that must study for the Prelims Paper:

DJS Mains Syllabus - General Legal Knowledge & Language

This section is divided into two sub-sections: Section 1 - General Knowledge and Section 2 - Language.

Section 1- General Knowledge

The questions in this section are designed to test your knowledge of current legal affairs.

Section 2 - Language (Essay, Translation, and Precise Writing)

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Bihar Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Here is the syllabus for the Bihar Civil Judge prelims and mains examThe Bihar Judiciary Prelims Exam consists of two objective papers: Paper I and Paper II.

Bihar Prelims Judicial Exam Syllabus for General Knowledge

The Bihar Judiciary Syllabus for General Knowledge evaluates a candidate's awareness of current affairs, prominent events, and significant information in various fields, including Elementary General Science.

However, the BPSC doesn't include an in-depth syllabus for the General Knowledge Paper. It would be best to focus on the common topics asked in other state PCS exams to enhance your Bihar Judiciary GK preparation.

Bihar Judiciary Syllabus for Law Paper

The Bihar Judiciary Mains Exam consists of two sections: compulsory and optional papers. Candidates must take two language-based papers (English and Hindi), each with a minimum qualifying score of 33 out of 100. Additionally, candidates must choose 3 optional papers from a list of 5 available options. The compulsory papers include Hindi and English, both of which are qualifying papers.

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Compulsory Papers

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Optional Papers

Candidates must select 3 optional papers from the following 5 options:

Compulsory Subjects Detailed Syllabus

  1. General Knowledge / General Studies
  2. Topics include:
  1. General Hindi
  2. This paper follows the difficulty level of the Hindi section in the secondary exam (Bihar School Examination Committee). The focus is on assessing knowledge of general Hindi through topics like:
  1. General English
  2. Topics include:
  1. Law of Evidence and Procedure
  2. Key areas:
  1. General Science
  2. Topics include:

Optional Subjects Detailed Syllabus

  1. Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
  2. Topics include:
  1. Law of Evidence & Procedure
  2. Topics include:
  1. Hindu Law and Mohammedan Law
  2. Topics include:
  1. Commercial Law
  2. Topics include:

Rajasthan Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

The Rajasthan Judiciary exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. Here is the detailed syllabus for the prelims and mains exams.

RJS Pre Syllabus

From the table below, let us look at the detailed Rajasthan Civil Judge Syllabus of the prelims exam:

Rajasthan Civil Judge Mains Exam Syllabus

Check out the table below to learn the detailed syllabus of the RJS Mains exam Syllabus:

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Uttar Pradesh Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

The UP PCSJ exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

UP PCS J New Syllabus for Paper 1 (General Knowledge)

Here is the detailed UP Civil Judge syllabus of the Paper I prelims exam:

UP Judiciary Syllabus for Paper 2 (Law)

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Haryana Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

The Haryana Civil Judge exam comprises prelims, mains, and Interview. Here is the detailed judicial service exam syllabus of the HCS J exam.

Haryana Preliminary Judge Exam Syllabus

The prelims include crucial subjects such as Current Affairs, Indian Legal History, Constitutional Development, and Acts related to Civil Law-I, Civil Law-II, and Criminal Law, which are further elaborated in the Main Examination. 

You must have a general and basic overview of the main subjects and the ability to answer questions on current events of national and international importance, Indian legal and constitutional history, and governance.

Haryana Mains Judge Exam Syllabus

As per the Haryana Judiciary Exam Pattern, the Mains Haryana Judiciary Syllabus comprises five subjects with descriptive, narrative / essay-type questions:

Chhattisgarh Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Here, we look at the detailed Judicial Services Exam Syllabus for prelims and mains exams.

Chhattisgarh Preliminary Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

Here is the detailed syllabus for the preliminary examination of the Chhattisgarh Judiciary:

  1. Indian Penal Code
  2. Code of Civil Procedure
  3. Code of Criminal Procedure
  4. Indian Evidence Act
  5. Constitution of India
  6. Transfer of Property Act
  7. Contract Act
  8. Limitation Act
  9. The Chhattisgarh Rent Control Act, 2011
  10. Court Fees Act
  11. Specific Relief Act
  12. Registration Act
  13. Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code
  14. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
  15. The Chhattisgarh Excise Act, 1915

Chhattisgarh Mains Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

The topics covered under the Chhattisgarh Judiciary Mains Syllabus are:

  1. Framing of Issues & Judgment Writing (Civil Cases) - 40 Marks
  2. Framing of Charges & Judgment Writing (Criminal Cases) - 40 Marks
  3. Translation:

CGPSC Civil Judge Syllabus 2024 for Interview (15 Marks)

While there is no specific syllabus for the interview stage, the final selection for the Civil Judge position is based on the combined scores from the Mains Exam and Interview. Your performance in both these stages will determine your selection by the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC).

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Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Here are the details about the HP PCS J for prelims and mains examinations.

HP Judiciary Syllabus for Paper – III (Criminal Law) 

Himachal Pradesh Mains Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

Craving insights into the Mains syllabus? Your wait is over! Click the Himachal Judiciary Syllabus to access the detailed breakdown of subjects and key focus areas.

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Punjab Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Before preparing, candidates must know the detailed Punjab Judicial Services syllabus for prelims and mains.

Punjab Preliminary Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

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Uttarakhand Judiciary Syllabus[Prelims & Mains]

The Uttarakhand PCS J exam involves prelims, mains, and interviews.

Uttarakhand Judiciary Exam Syllabus for Part 1 (General Knowledge)

Uttarakhand Civil Judge Syllabus for Part 2 (Law)

West Bengal Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Go through the West Bengal Judiciary exam syllabus and enhance your preparation for the upcoming exam.

West Bengal Preliminary Judicial Exam Syllabus

West Bengal Mains Judiciary Exam Syllabus

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Jharkhand Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

To help candidates, we have provided a detailed Jharkhand PCS J syllabus of prelims and Mains here.

Jharkhand Preliminary Judge Exam Syllabus

The Jharkhand Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

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Karnataka Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Knowing the detailed pattern and Karnataka Judiciary Syllabus will help candidates to better prepare for the exam.

Karnataka Preliminary Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

The Karnataka Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

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Gujarat Judiciary Exam Syllabus (Prelims & Mains)

Preliminary Exam Syllabus

The Preliminary Exam is objective and tests candidates' foundational knowledge of laws, general awareness, and language skills. It is divided into three parts.

Part – A

The Indian Penal Code, 1860

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973

The Indian Evidence Act, 1872

The Gujarat Prohibition Act, 1949 (Old Bombay Prohibition Act)

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Only Chapter XVII)

Part – B

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

The Limitation Act, 1963

The Indian Contract Act, 1872

The Constitution of India - [Part-III - Fundamental Rights (Articles 12 to 35A) & Part-IVA - Fundamental Duties]

Part – C

General Knowledge

English Language

Test of Reasoning

Numerical & Mental Ability and Basics of Computer Applications.

The language of 75 Questions in the Preliminary Examination will be English, whereas the remaining 25 Questions will be in Gujarati.

Main Exam Syllabus

The Main Exam is descriptive and includes two papers: Criminal Law and Civil Law.

Paper- I: Criminal Law [Marks: 75, Duration: 02½ Hours]

Paper 1:

Paper 2: Civil Law

Pro Tip: Focus on landmark judgments and recent amendments in these laws for better performance in the descriptive papers.

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3. Interview

The Interview assesses the candidate’s legal knowledge, judgment skills, communication abilities, and personality traits.

Key Areas of Assessment

Arunachal Pradesh Judiciary Exam Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Here is the brief PCS Judicial Services Exam syllabus for Arunachal Pradesh state.

Go through the topic-wise important topics and enhance your preparation for the exam:

Arunachal Pradesh Prelims Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

Arunachal Pradesh Mains Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

Let us look at the table below to learn the detailed Civil Judge Exam Syllabus for the Arunachal Pradesh Mains exam:

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Assam Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Let us look at the detailed Syllabus of the Judicial Services Exam for Assam state below:

Assam Preliminary Exam Civil Judge Syllabus

Assam Mains Exam Judicial Syllabus

Check the table below for all the essential topics of the Judiciary Exam Syllabus for the Assam Mains exam:

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Goa Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Let us have a look at the detailed syllabus of the Judicial Services Exam for Goa prelims and mains:

Goa Preliminary Exam Judicial Service Syllabus

Goa Mains Exam Judicial Service Syllabus

The Mains exam includes two papers, as explained below:

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Jammu & Kashmir Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Candidates must know the detailed Judicial Services Exam Syllabus of Jammu & Kashmir.

Jammu & Kashmir Preliminary Civil Exam Syllabus

The Jammu & Kashmir Prelims question paper includes multiple-choice questions for 100 marks.

Jammu & Kashmir Mains Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

The Mains exam includes four papers, as explained below:

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Kerala Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Knowing the Judiciary exam syllabus of the Kerala state will help candidates better understand how they can plan their preparation.

Kerala Preliminary Judicial Services Exam Syllabus

The Kerala Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

Kerala Mains Judicial Services Exam Syllabus

The Kerala Judiciary Exam includes four papers, which are explained below:

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Maharashtra Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Here is the detailed Civil Judge Syllabus for the Maharashtra state.

Maharashtra Preliminary Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

The Maharashtra Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

Maharashtra Mains Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

The Mains exam includes four papers, as explained below:

Manipur Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Know the detailed syllabus of the Judicial Services Exam for Manipur prelims and mains here:

Manipur Preliminary Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

The Manipur Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

Manipur Mains Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

The Mains exam includes four papers, as explained below:

Mizoram Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Go through the detailed Mizoram state Civil Judge exam syllabus.

Mizoram Preliminary Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

The Mizoram Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

Mizoram Mains Judicial Services Exam Syllabus

The main exam includes four papers, as explained below:

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Nagaland Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Knowing the Judicial Services exam syllabus of the Nagaland state will help candidates to understand how to prepare for the exam as per the latest syllabus.

Nagaland Preliminary Exam Syllabus

The Nagaland Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

Nagaland Mains Judiciary Exam Syllabus

The main exam includes four papers, as explained below:

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Odisha Judiciary Syllabus [Prelims & Mains]

Go through the detailed Odisha state Judiciary exam syllabus from the post below.

Odisha Preliminary Judicial Service Exam Syllabus

The Odisha Prelims question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks.

Odisha Mains Civil Judge Exam Syllabus

Sikkim Judiciary Exam Prelims & Mains Syllabus

The Sikkim Judiciary Exam includes only the written exam and Interview. 

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Andhra Pradesh Judiciary Exam Prelims & Mains Syllabus

In the Andhra Pradesh Judicial Services exam, your proficiency and knowledge are tested on the following topics:

Substantive Laws

Procedural Laws

You are advised to focus more on the following topics to score well in the exam:


In conclusion, the Judiciary Exam Syllabus for both Prelims and Mains provides a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring judicial officers. The syllabus encompasses various legal subjects, from constitutional law and criminal procedure to civil laws and current affairs. The key takeaways from the syllabus are:

By embracing and mastering the syllabus, aspiring judicial officers will be well-equipped to excel in the challenging Judiciary Exams of and embark on a fulfilling legal career.

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